Wednesday 30 November 2011

Carbon Copy Pro Its not a scam but

Carbon Copy Pro: An Objective Third Party Review JoiningCarbon Copy Pro? Like most folks, you're probably loving the idea of earning high commissions but worried there may be "something scammy" going on with this company. Or perhaps you like the sound of "plug-n-play" but not quite sure you believe it? Or mayve you're wondering if there's a sleeker, more streamlined way to earn just as much money (or more!) without having to spend so much up-front just to join...If any of this strikes a chord you... this is a MUST READ - before you make a decision!If you're looking for a legitimate way to make money online and investigating carboncopypro reviews, this is a no-nonsense look Carbon Copy Pro and Wealth Masters International.There's a lot of nonsense on the internet, and carboncopypro is everywhere. So how can you cut through all the bullcrap and find out if this is the right business for you?I want you to know up front that I'm not involved with Carbon Copy Pro, and I'm not here to promote it. At the Nail Sticker same time, I'm not against carboncopypro and I'm not here to bash it. I have associates who are currently in Carbon Copy Pro. And I have friends who have left carboncopy pro for various reasons. At one point I had considered joining myself, and did in-depth research. I am an expert on Carbon Copy Pro, and my goal here is to share what I know with you, to save you tons of time, and perhaps a lot of money in the process, as you make your decision.If you've been doing your research and looked at carboncopypro reviews, you already know there's a lot of noise online, a lot of hype and misinformation both ways. This review cuts through all that nonsense and gives you the straight facts, so you can make an educated business decision for yourself.Bottom Line: In my opinion, Carbon Copy Pro has 5 Fatal Flaws:1)A (VERY) Over-priced & inflexible marketing system 2)A ompensation plan that doesn't provide finnacial incentive for real team building3)A lack of hands-on coaching & mentoring4)The supposed "removal of the human element" (not possible - and not advised!)5)It promotes a product with no real stand alone value and is in fact a bizz opp to sell a bizz oppThe first thing you need to understand before you start spending a lot of money up-front is that carboncopypro is not a product. It's a feeder system for a totally separate company called Wealth Masters International.Carbon copy pro is a sales funnel designed to promote Wealth Masters International and convince you to join. And then if you do join, it provides you with a marketing system to market that product, and only that product.The system costs $400 to get in, plus fees of $225/month.The buy-in for Wealth Masters is $1,995, $8,995, and $19,995.But is it really worth all that money?The basic shpiel is that by joining their program, you get access to the same financial advice that the super wealthy use.But I have experience in financial services, and I know how these conferences work. The speakers are usually mid level financial advisors, andthey're not giving you any personalized, hands-on information. It's very generic very basic stuff.Clearly, if what you really need is top quality financial advice, you can get far superior service for a lot less money.So why the big mark-up?It's all about the commissions. If you drop $19,995 on the M3, 75% of your money would go to your up-line in the form of commission. So it's really just a bloated price tag to pay the middle man, and that's the exact opposite of a good value.I mean, would you pay $5000 for a vacation that was only worth $3000 just so your travel agent could take a $2K cut? Of course not. That's just bad business.When evaluating an online business opportunity, you have to ask yourself, would you buy that product or service if there was no money making business opportunity attached - in other words, does the product have stand-alone real-world value?And with Carbon Copy Pro selling Wealth Masters International - the answer for me is a definite NO!So let's call a spade a spade. carboncopypro is essentially a business opportunity to sell a business opportunity. And I'm not saying that's wrong. Certainly some people do quite well in that model.You simply need to ask yourself: 1) Are you willing to spend that kind of money up-front to get started? 2) Will you feel good about yourself knowing that the product itself holds no real value?3) How big is your potential market? (ie: how many other people are going Sports Watches to cough up 20 Grand and embrace selling a bizz opp purely for a bizz opp... not to mention: people who have enough money to need financial advice usually already have a financial advisor!)For me personally, it's important to believe in my product 100%. It makes me a better salesperson, and I make more money because of it. And when my 5 year old son looks me in the eye and asks me what I do for a living, I feel good about representing a 22 year old company with a top tier product that provides real value to my customers and a very lucrative money making opportunity for me and my team.So if you're serious about making money online but don't feel the need to spend $20K or even $10K to start your business, understand that there are sleeker, more profitable opportunities available with solid companies that promote top tier products, foster a true team building environment, and have more lucrative compensation plans.