Monday 17 June 2013

GPS tracker microphone’s application in our modern society

With the rapidly development of our modern society, more and more people pay more attention to self safe, GPS tracker microphone also share much in the phone market, there are also some software invented equipped in your smart phone.
Sold recently on the website, Copy9 is a software-spyware for mobile phones that includes free features GPS tracking and remote microphone activation. It can be installed on iPhone, Windows Mobile, Symbian or Android.
Easy to install, this software has other features such as the log of SMS, the record of telephone calls, recording the sites visited but also the location (real time) of the target phone.
the application traces you
Available for free with one click on App. Store, application Trace You, once downloaded and installed - is the first of its kind on App. Store that allows you to track real-time mobile phone with the software Copy9 and this around the world. It also gives you the ability to display the history of positions to follow the path of the target.
Listening Environmental
This feature allows you to connect to a target phone and activate the microphone without being seen by the stakeholders present around the phone. Thus, it is possible to follow a discussion near the phone ... without arousing any suspicion.
In case of loss or theft
In case of loss or theft of your mobile phone, you will be able to use the GPS to find it for free. Thus, you will be able to track a mobile phone with our software on a Google Map in real time.
Useful everywhere
this software is useful for both the family and friends that professionals can track their employees anywhere in the world for skiers and hikers. Also for the rescuers can locate you easily on Google Map by determining your GPS position. You can also filter the text messages that can be dangerous for your children.
One can also use the software to spy investigation or as part of a private investigation.

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